A LANDLORD’S wife has been arrested for slashing the face of a female tenant with razor blade.
The incident happened on Monday at 78 Amudalatu Street in Agodo area of Egbe in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.
The victim, Ms Ruth Chukwu was allegedly attacked by the unnamed landlord’s wife during an altercation over disconnection of electricity supply by the landlord.
It was said that the victim and other tenants in the building had allegedly defaulted in payment of electricity bills, prompting their disconnection by the officials of an electricity distribution company penultimate Monday.
According to sources, trouble started at about 9am when the landlord decided to reconnect his own apartment’s electricity supply.
It was in the middle of the altercation over the landlord’s conduct that his wife attacked the victim for having the effrontery to confront her husband.
The woman inflicted deep cuts on the face of the tenant, who has now been hospitalised.
A source who asked not to be named, said, “This incident happened around 9 am. The landlord and his tenants were having issues about electricity bills. The tenants were owing and they were disconnected by the electricity distribution company last Monday.”
“It was the tenants’ power cable that powers the water supply to the entire building, so the landlord called an electrician to remove the cable and connect it to his apartment since the tenant’s dad defaulted. The landlord also called a plumber to disconnect the pipe that supplies water to the tenants’ apartment. This action annoyed the tenants and they resisted their landlord.”
“The situation degenerated into a hot exchange of words. But the landlord’s wife suddenly attacked the woman who was busy washing clothes in the compound and she inflicted deep cuts on the woman’s face.”
It was gathered that the incident was reported to Ikotun Police Division.
Confirming the story, a senior police officer at the station said the landlord’s wife had been arrested and detained at the station.
@ The Nation